About Us
Going Strong for 25 Years
On May 4, 2025, the La Cienega Farmers Market marks its twenty fifth-year anniversary. We have so much to be grateful for, beginning with the Model Neighborhood Program’s board, past and present, thank you for providing your guidance and support. Rosemary Wilson, Cynthia Ojeda, Marion Collins, Mary Earl, Mary MacVean, Theresa Dahl, Sonya Sharp, who have been supporters of this organization for many years. To RPD Catalyst, LLC for the donation of space at Plaza La Cienega, giving us a home to realize our dreams. To our administration staff, farmers market managers, set-up and support staff, each of whom makes each market day possible, especially Nadia Ali, Alex Lang, Kate Miller. To our farmers and food vendors, many of whom have been with us since our first opening day… thank you so much for sharing with us the rewards of your passion and efforts. To Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, for awarding us with the Fresh Food Access grant, enabling us to start our farmers market program. To our invaluable local community groups and partners; Neighbors United, Pico Neighborhood Council, South Robertson Neighborhood Council, thank you for years of contributions to Fresh Fruit on Fridays, our farm-to-school nutrition program. To Kaiser Permanente WLA, a co-founder of our non-profit and a continued source of support for our nutrition programs.
We would especially like to thank our shoppers, who throughout the years, rain or shine, have come to support our farmers markets. Thank you for sharing with us your friendship and the joy of watching your families growing up, and for being an integral part of our vision for a healthy community. It is because of all these supporters that we are here today.